| Gerundiando a liberdade: vinte anos da Agulha
Revista de Cultura
O meu
pavor é a viagem concluída, a coisa acabada…
Aníbal Machado
A poesia como totalidade
da vida, ângulo quebradiço dos afetos, destino do ser em multiplicidade de máscaras.
A poesia como fragmento do belo, pedaços de viagens por vir, desembarque de vozes
outras. A poesia como explosão do delírio, alegoria impetuosa do espírito, voracidade
absurda do verbo.
No jogo d’Eu, todos os tempos
da poesia conjugam o humaníssimo sonho de fundar, no real, o transe permanente da
arte, metáfora de luz e revolução. No calendário da vida, o que interessa é o campo
aberto do espírito, a comunhão dos contrários, o banquete coletivo e maravilhoso
oferecido a cada número, ao longo de vinte anos, pela Agulha Revista de Cultura, um verdadeiro triunfo da beleza.
A Agulha capitaneada por Floriano Martins, poeta de magnitude estelar,
artista irrequieto e de feérica devoção à Arte, entrelaça, edição a edição, os universos
mais distintos e libertários. É, sem meias palavras, e sem favor algum, a mais completa
tradução da Poesia do nosso tempo. Espaço refinado pelas vozes amplíssimas que se
escondem no claustro do passado e que, de maneira lúcida e necessária, vão sabiamente
ocupando linha a linha, sem rodeios e sem mentiras, o terreno sólido da arte em
toda sua plenitude. A Agulha, dessa forma
e com tal postura, sinaliza para outras eras, com infinitas metáforas recheadas
pela exuberância da existência.
Floriano Martins e a Agulha Revista de Cultura em perfeita sinonímia,
20 anos decorridos, apontam para a escrita de um tempo novo, onde três formas, entre
tantas, de se viver são imprescindíveis: a repartição do sonho, a completude da
liberdade e a conquista da poesia. Só assim, pode-se pretender um lugar nesse conturbado
e abismático alvorejar do verbo que se quer carne.
Ressalte-se, por fim, que ler
e acompanhar a Agulha Revista de Cultura
é ir ao encontro das palavras do próprio Floriano Martins, quando, em um de seus
poemas registra: Toda escrita é um fosso de
navalhas dispostas a talhar a consciência de quem lhe visite. Sejamos livres,
plenos, de consciência libertária, visitemos a Agulha, cientes de que o universo é uma profunda caverna a ser constantemente
Vida longa para a Agulha Revista de Cultura e o melhor da Vida
para Floriano Martins, sempre.
• JAN DOČEKAL | Agulha Revista de Cultura,
all the power of imagination
In November 1999, when the first issue
of Agulha Revista de Cultura appeared,
I knew nothing about this magazine. It was only in 2016 that I received a link from
my Costa Rican surrealist friend Alfonso Peňa to the current number. Since then
I have seen the magazine regularly. Muhu open even older editions. It is broadly
based, varied, professional. I admire the enthusiasm, deep passion, quality of work,
helpfulness and friendship of the editor Floriano Martins. He’s a rare man. The
creative spirit in front of which it is necessary to squeeze the hat. We do not
have a similar magazine in the Czech Republic.
I see coherence, friendship and enjoyment with authors from countries with
Spanish and Portuguese languages. I have great respect for creative people. I enthusiastically
accept their coherence in the spirit of surrealist traditions. My friend Floriano
Martins is an unrivaled pattern of hard work for me. The source is love of art and
total freedom of expression. This is certainly the current manifestation of a lasting
surrealistic spiritual revolution. He continues with his supporters and outstanding
artists in the visual and verbal field.
He was born in the Czech Republic, for more than 80 years, an outstanding
surrealist poet and author of collages Arnošt Budík. He has already lived in Belgium,
Brussels. He lives abroad but still has a living Czech language, exhibits in the
Czech Republic. He is an active member of the Czech surrealist group Stir up. We
chat. It is a model for me from the original Czech environment. Agulha Revista de Cultura knows his name
Today’s world is still divided. There is an ideological and economic rivalry.
Artists in the Czech Republic are mostly individualists. But the surrealist group
Stir up with Václav Pajurek and Arnošt Budík is open to Western European, Central
American, and South American surrealists. Their works are on exhibitions at the
Stir Up Gallery in a former mill on the Jihlava River. The curator of the exhibitions
is Lubomír Kerndl. I am pleased that this has already been read in Agulha Revista de Cultura. It’s a beautiful,
wise, surrealistically timeless magazine. I thank Florian Martins for his great
work. I wish many other beautiful editions. I am very pleased to have occasion to
write information about Agulha Revista de
Cultura in Czech Magazine Literární noviny. I cordially greet all the authors
of the magazine.
I am an old man and I no longer have great expectations of the unknown joys
of life. There is work above all. And the firm vault above it is an ancient surreal
• JOHN WELSON | Agulha Revisita de Cultura – 20 Years
The presence of an energy, organic,
fruiting. The presence of a fruiting energy, its pulse an ever open eye.
Initially an idea, a concept,
a possibility. A concept becomes an idea, thoughts and intentions coalesce through
vision and intent. The birth of Agulha Revista
de Cultura, a compass for the imagination, a map of shared imaginings.
Twenty years of adventure.
The thrill of the possible made possible. The leaves of imagination caught in the
wind, recorded, celebrated, echoes caught as brilliant crystals of sunlight, sunned
With each arrival of a
new Agulha Revista de Cultura a revelation,
a journey to new vistas, lovingly, respectfully reveal the majestic footsteps of
others journeys. Through the years I have absorbed, accompanied, traversed the terrain
of the imagination. With each edition wonderment, as I engross myself in text and
image, old friends celebrated, new friends revealed.
Through twenty years a
constant flow and impetus of energy, finger upon the pulse of the revelation of
the multifarious trajectories of the realization of the imagination. Each edition
a different perspective, insight from the ever open eye, an eye clear of obfuscation,
delving deep below the surface.
And to the future, Agulha Revista de Cultura will realize more
treasures of convulsive beauty, no time or thought to shadows taking root around
events, events blossom in the organic presence which is Surrealism.
Agulha Revista de Cultura
Número 147 | Dezembro de 2019
editor geral | FLORIANO MARTINS
| floriano.agulha@gmail.com
editor assistente | MÁRCIO
SIMÕES | mxsimoes@hotmail.com
logo & design | FLORIANO
revisão de textos & difusão
ARC Edições © 2019
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